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Yemazuvano Diki Single Yakagadzirwa Iron Baluster / Spindle

Tsanangudzo Pfupi

Iyo Yemazuvano Diki Single Square Yakagadzirwa Iron Baluster / Spindle inowanzo shandiswa pateni neyakajeka bar baluster / Spindle, single uye kaviri mhete (Denderedzwa) balusters / Spindles, dhaimondi uye inogona zvakare kusanganiswa nemamwe akasiyana-siyana akateedzana balusters / Spindles zvinoenderana. .

  • Dimensions 44 inches kureba x 1/2 inch,
  • Square plain bar
  • Inosanganisira maviri 3 inches square pakati pe 2 bars
  • Inowanikwa muStandard Hollow Tubular uye Solid
  • Viga shanduko kubva pabaluster kuenda kune nhanho ine 1/2 inch base shoe
  • Yese inopera ihupfu-yakavharwa inova imwe yeanonyanya kudiwa pamusoro pekupedzisa maitiro.Yakasimba, yakasimba kupera inoshingirira kukwenya, kuputika, kusvuura, UV mwaranzi uye ngura.

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Kuti zvive nyore kugadzika, iyo yakashongedzerwa kumusoro, uye mabharuta / Spindles anogona kutemwa kureba nekuchekerera pasi pebaluster / Spindle nesimbi yekucheka chishandiso.Uye tichifunga nezvekuchengetedza mari, kureruka kwekucheka uye pamusoro pese kureruka kwekupa, vazhinji mutengi vakaita shanduko kune hollow Balusters/Spindles pachinzvimbo cheakasimba.
Friendly reminder, usually the iron balusters/Spindles must pass the 4 inches spacing rule, meant that a 4 inches sphere cannot pass through any portion of the balustrade/Spindle. Meanwhile, if you can´t find any products you are looking for, and need additional assistance or any question you have, then please do not hesitate to contact us via phone or e-mail us , we are glad if anything we can do for you on stair products.

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